Justin Hockenberry discusses the background of quitclaim and special warranty deeds, and offers some information about each.
Warranty Deeds
Justin Hockenberry discusses warranty deeds and some considerations when to keep in mind when using them.
Tax-Free Exchanges
Justin Hockenberry illustrates the significant changes to the rules for tax-free exchanges.
Section 179 Depreciation
Jennifer Plumb discusses how Section 179 depreciation rules have changed.
Like-Kind Exchange Rules
Jennifer Plumb discusses more of the farm tax implications of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.
Depreciation of Farm Assets
Jennifer Plumb discusses some of the new farm depreciation rules in effect since the passing of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.
Nativity Scenes
Rob Engler discusses some of the history behind past legal challenges over the display of nativity scenes, especially on public property.
Joint and Several Liability
Justin Hockenberry discusses several ways in which multiple parties may be liable for the same debt or judgment.
Voidable Transaction Act
Justin Hockenberry discusses the Voidable Transaction Act and the ways people often mistakenly believe they can hide assets and avoid creditors.
Maintaining Limited Liability
Justin discusses the proper ways for corporate officers, shareholders, and employees to maintain limited liability.