Rob Engler discusses the laws in play for those attending a public sporting event.
Superhero Court Cases
Rob Engler outlines a few court cases that determined ownership of several of today’s most popular superhero characters.
Collecting After a Small Claims Judgment
Justin Hockenberry discusses ways to collect after a small claims judgment.
Small Claims Court
Justin gives a brief overview of cases that take place in small claims court and gives some advice to people who might be considering taking another party to court.
Itemizing Cash and Other Charitable Deductions
Jennifer Plumb discusses cash and non-cash charitable contributions for itemized Iowa tax deductions.
Itemizing Medical Expenses
Jennifer Plumb gives some examples of common medical expenses that may be itemized for tax deduction purposes.
Itemized Deductions & Iowa State Tax Law
Jennifer Plumb illustrates some of the mortgage and property expenses that are deductible for Iowa state tax purposes.
Itemized and Standard Deductions
Jennifer Plumb discusses how the new tax laws affects itemized and standard deductions for Federal and Iowa tax returns.
Unusual Bathroom Laws
Rob Engler shares examples of some unusual bathroom regulations and notable recent cases.
2019 Tax Season Surprises
Justin Hockenberry discusses some of the surprises found in this year’s tax regulations.